TerraVista Retreat is a 2-acre property located in the country just outside of Boise, Idaho with picturesque views of the mountain range. The setting is perfect for letting go of outside distractions and focusing on health and healing. The property includes two comfortable homes, with a total of 7 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms and a kitchen and laundry facility in each home. It is a 20-minute drive from the Boise (BOI) airport.
Terra and Jeff Holbrook had dream when they moved to Boise, Idaho to have a place of their own to do this beautiful work. That dream became a reality in June of 2022 when they officially opened TerraVista Retreat. The center does not offer treatment programs, but instead a retreat experience.

They believe that the mind, body, and spirit are all affected when psychological pain and trauma are experienced. Therefore, the focus is on a holistic approach as they work to understand and heal. Because of this strong belief, there is a team of experts from many disciplines including integrative medicine, addiction treatment, and trauma, as well as trauma certified yoga and breathwork specialists. This team of qualified professionals are passionate about working to heal the pain and suffering experienced by many. Their love of the work and dedication to healing is evident in the environment at TerraVista. Please remember that this is not a treatment facility, only a retreat center.
The purpose of TerraVista is to provide a sacred space to explore and heal the root causes of emotional pain and suffering. We do this by using various modalities and therapies in individual, couples, and group settings, as we provide support and safety for participants. It is through this work that we find relief. We teach strategies and tools to improve the quality of life for those who are searching for resolution and permanent change.
The entire experience is one that I truly feel blessed to have had. It’s life changing in so many wonderful ways. Terra is absolutely amazing. Thanks to everyone involved. This work is life saving and vital. I’ll be sending as many as I can and have already told so many people about this work. God Bless.
Working with Terra has been a gift of a lifetime. Terra sets the stage for complete vulnerability and transparency. I am learning how to feel again - something I have been avoiding for decades. She has made me aware of habits that I did not know existed and helped guide me to live a safer life.
This was a really beautiful and special experience. The work we did here was not easy, but the guidance and love we received throughout made it so much easier and I already feel the profound transformation within me, which makes it all so worth it.
I loved the group dynamic and learning from others and experiencing being in a group. I think it was exactly what I needed, I’m looking forward to experiencing what unfolds.
While working with trauma over many years, it became increasingly evident that to me that trauma severely impacts the mind, body, and spirit. Trauma resolution must include addressing all three. Intensives and group therapy only addressed the mind and fell short of the work I wanted to provide. Yoga, breathwork and meditation were added to the group work a few years ago to address the body and spiritual needs. It wasn’t until we added an integrative medicine doctor that we completed the goal of fully addressing trauma.
Dr. Heward begins the process by providing a full integrative medicine workup that explores with the client, the impact of the trauma from a bio, psycho, social perspective. He works to begin to help you understand the impact of the trauma on the body and your health and give you support to begin to make changes before the retreat begins.

Although this is a workshop in a retreat setting, the thoroughness of the intake and the option of continued care with an integrative medicine doctor sets us apart from other trauma workshops. We understand that comprehensive trauma work needs to include a full continuum.
In addition to your visit with Dr. Heward, your time at TerraVista will help you understand your story and how your childhood experience shaped you into who you are today and how you view the world. Your behaviors and interactions are a result of your upbringing, the messages you received and how you interpreted and played out your beliefs about yourself and others. These dynamics are explored, and we help you to make sense of yourself and how the past is tied to the present. Often, beliefs and values need to be updated as our world changes from where we came to what we create. Healing, through experiential modalities, helps address past hurt and pain. Yoga, breathwork and meditation provide tools to continue to create space and comfort with ongoing practice after leaving TerraVista. Attendees are taught how to self-regulate and provide themselves with self-leadership to continue with health and healing moving forward.